Management measures applicable to some of the main species of molluscs


Solid surf clam and Atlantic surf clam - Spisula solida and Spisula solidissima

Minimum conservation reference size: 2,5 cm
Captured in ocean waters with dredges
There are catch limits set by day

Pullet carpet shell - Venerupis pullastra

Minimum conservation reference size: 3,8 cm (3 cm - applicable in non-maritime inland waters)
Captured in inland waters with rake or, in the case of the Tagus River with manual dredge
There are daily catch limits on the Tagus River

Japanese carpet shell - Ruditapes philippinarum

Minimum conservation reference size: 4 cm
Captured in ocean waters with dredges
There are catch limits set by day

Donax clams - Donax spp.

Minimum conservation reference size: 2,5 cm
Captured in ocean waters with a dredge operated from a vessel or with a fisherman by foot with a manual dredge
There are catch limits set by day


Common Cuttlefish - Sepia officinalis

Minimum conservation reference size: 10 cm
Rules applicable to Trawl fishing: target species with mesh size ≥ 70 mm
Rules applicable to gillnet fishing: target species with mesh sizes 60 to 79 mm, 80-99 mm and ≥ 100 mm
Can be captured with cage traps with mesh size 30-50 mm and> 50 mm
Captured frequently with trammel nets in coastal and inland non maritime areas

European squid - Loligo vulgaris

Minimum conservation reference size: 10 cm
Rules applicable to Trawl fishing: target species with mesh size ≥ 70 mm
Capture with gillnets are not foreseen in legislation

Common Octopus - Octopus vulgaris

Minimum conservation reference size: 0.75 kg
Rules applicable to Trawl fishing: target species with mesh size ≥ 70 mm

Possible to be captured with cage traps with mesh size 8-29 mm (according to the conditions of article 9-A of Ordinance No 1102-D/2000), mesh size 30-50 mm, with 80% of minimum percentage of target species and mesh size ≥ 50 mm
Capture with gillnets are not foreseen in legislation