
A non-exhaustive summary is presented here of the main management measures applicable to fishing for some of the main species in national waters, including Community management measures which, in most cases, are carried over to national legislation, including the Minimum conservation reference sizes (MCS).

Prohibited Species

Fishing prohibitions, included in Regulation (EU) No 2023/194, of 30 January, and Regulation (EU) No 2019/1241 of the European Parliament and of the Council, June 20, 2019.

Decree-Law No. 31/2021, of May 31, establishes the legal regime applicable to the protection and conservation of wild flora and fauna and the natural habitats of the species listed in annex I, II and III of the Berne Convention, in the annexes I and II to the Bonn Convention and in the annex to this decree-law of which it is an integral part.

Table with summary of prohibited species

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Minimum Sizes

The minimum sizes established in the European legislation - Regulation (EU) No 2019/1241 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 20 June 2019, Annex VII, in Part A, establishes for the South Western Waters, minimum conservation reference sizes for the different species.
These management measures are complemented by national legislation, through Ordinance No 255/2022, of 26 October 

This minimum size to have a biological significance must allow individuals to reach the size in which they reproduce, but it must also take into account the characteristics of the gear that captures them, that is, their selectivity.

Table of minimum sizes
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Method of Measuring the Size of Marine Organisms

Closed Seasons

    Closed Seasons by species and periods of ban on the use of fishing gear - Mainland - Oceanic Waters and Maritime Interiors
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  • Order No. 18/DG/2024, of April 8, which establishes closed seasons for sea urchins and barnacles for 2024. The provisions of Order No. 18/DG/2024, of April 8, do not apply to the collection of goose barnacles in the Berlengas Nature Reserve and in the Sudoeste Alentejano Costa Vicentina Park, for which a longer closed season is established in specific legislation.
  • Order No. 20/DG/2024, of April 19, which establishes a closed season for Donax clams in the South zone for 2024.

    Closed Seasons by species and periods of ban on the use of fishing gear - Mainland - Oceanic Inland Waters
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  • Order No. 18/DG/2024, of April 8, which establishes closed seasons for sea urchins and barnacles for 2024.


Species Table
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