Electronic Fishing Journal
For use on board fishing vessels, 12 meters or more in length
Electronic Fishing Journal
- Fisheries
- Control and Inspection
- Electronic Fishing Journal
The fishing log (DP) is an obligation applicable to certain Union fishing vessels, which results, inter alia, from the Union Control Regime, established by Council Regulation (EC) 1224/2009 of 20 November 2009, applicable to certain vessels engaged in fishing activities in Union waters under the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the Member States, waters regulated by Regional Fisheries Management Organizations and third countries, and therefore appears as one of the data collection instruments necessary for the management of the fishing sector, as well as the verification of compliance with the rules of the Common Fisheries Policy, and corresponds to declaratory acts of fishing activities and operations under the exclusive responsibility of the crew member invested in command functions of the vessel, whose support varies depending on the overall length (cff).

DGRM has developed a new computer application that simplifies the filling of the electronic fishing diary by professionals of fishing vessels. This new solution is integrated in the SIMPLEX + 2017 program, with ref. Measure # 230 - Electronic Fishing Journal+ (DPE+). Electronic Fishing Journal (DPe +) version for the office environment. This version is not valid for installation on board fishing vessels.
- 31-01-2019 - Installer DPE + version x86 (32 bit) - DPE + BackOffice Setup x86.exe
- 31-01-2019 - Installer DPE + version x64 (64 bit) - DPE + BackOffice Setup x64.exe
If the computer on which the installation is to be installed already has a previous version, it is advisable to uninstall it. After installation use for access:
- User: admin
- Password: 123456
Electronic Fishing Journal
Application for updating the connection certificate of the Electronic Fishing Journal (DPE) application to the MONICAP Box (If you cannot access the zip file, click here to install winrar / winzip).
The application made available here on the website of the Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services (DGRM), is version v2.2107_2020_04_09 being an update to version 2107 of the DPE.
Electronic Fishing Journal Manual
Download (2.5 MB)
With regard to training actions, both theoretical and practical; in the aforementioned application, the sector can obtain more information from For-Mar (Center for Vocational Training for Fisheries and the Sea).
VMS and DPE exemption
VMS and DPE Exemption List - 2019
Various Information
Circular letter of 1 June 2012 (Compliance with DPE obligations)
Procedures to be followed by those responsible for the vessels, in case of inoperability of the DPE system
2nd - You must send the proof of request for technical assistance to repair the fault and indicate the expected date for restoring the system to operation
3rd - The forms should only be sent after notification of inoperability to the Control Center of this Directorate-General (FMC-Portugal)
4th - The forms will only be considered valid if received with all the required information, in the defined formats and with the respective FAO codes (species, arts, presentations, areas) contained in the DPE tables
5th - You cannot leave the port with the DPE inoperable without authorization from the Control Center of this Directorate-General (FMC-Portugal).
DPE Forms
Download (484 KB)
Forms to use in the event of a failure of the DPE (Rev. December 2013)
The "manual" sending of this information will only be allowed in cases of anomaly or technical deficiency of the DPE, duly confirmed by this Directorate-General. For this purpose, the forms provided in the link above must be used and sent to the Control Center of this Directorate-General (Fax: +351 213 025 188, email: centro@dgrm.mm.gov.pt). At the end of the fishing trip during which the DPE anomaly has occurred, the captain / master must initiate the necessary procedures for the purpose of restoring the operation of his equipment. During the technical intervention that may take place, operationality tests must be carried out with the DGRM Control Center, and the fishing vessel cannot leave port without the operationality being restored again, that is, otherwise authorized to set sail. port by the Control Center, as stipulated in paragraph 4 of article 39 of Commission Regulation 404/2011.
Frequently Asked Questions