
Regulation (EU) No. 1380/2013, of 11 December, the main instrument of the CFP, advocates a multiannual approach to fisheries management, under which priority is laid down for multiannual plans that reflect the specificities of different fisheries, allowing to achieve more effectively the objective of sustainable exploitation of marine biological resources.

Management Plans

Eel Management Plan

By decision of 5 April 2011 of the European Commission, the eel Management Plan submitted by Portugal was approved, within the scope of Commission Regulation (EC) No 1100/2007, of 18 September. This regulation provides for the presentation and approval by the Commission of national plans for the recovery of European eel populations involving measures to control fishing effort but also measures that allow the reconstruction of eel habitats and the elimination of barriers to their progression in courses of water.

European Eel Management Plan (Anguilla anguilla)
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1st Report on the implementation of the Eel Management Plan in Portugal (July 2012)
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2nd Report on the implementation of the Eel Management Plan in Portugal (2015)
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3nd Report on the implementation of the Eel Management Plan in Portugal (2018)
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Transboundary River Minho Eel Management Plan
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Sardine Management Plan

In order to ensure the sustainability of the sardine fisherie (Sardina pilchardus) captured with purse seines, within the scope of the shared management process of this resource, restrictions on fishing on the Portuguese mainland have already been implemented through Ordinance No 251/2010, of May 4, amended by Ordinance No 294/2011, of November 14, by Ordinance No 173-A / 2015, of June 8 and by Ordinance No 34-A/2016, February 29th.

Article 2 of Ordinance No 294/2011, of 14 November, determine an interdiction of fishing sardines with purse seines for 48 hours each weekend, stipulating, in paragraph 4 of the same article, the possibility of changing these stopping period upon prior notification from ANOPCERCO.

The periods currently in force are as follows, by areas of jurisdiction of the Captaincies:

  • From Caminha to Figueira da Foz: from 00.00 on Saturday to 00.00 on Monday
  • From Nazaré to Lisbon: from 12:00 on Saturday until 12:00 on Monday
  • Setúbal and Sines: from 20:00 on Friday to 20:00 on Sunday
  • Lagos and Portimão and Sagres: from 18:00 on Friday to 18:00 on Sunday
  • From Faro to Vila Real de Santo António: from 18:00 on Friday to 18:00 on Sunday.

Article No 3 of Ordinance No 251/2010, of 4 May, as amended by Ordinance No 34-A/2016, of 29 February, determines the allocation of the annual discharge limit for the Portuguese fleet by groups of vessels that capture sardines with purse seines, in the following terms:

  • 98.5%, for the group consisting of vessels whose shipowners or owners are members of producer organizations (POs) recognized for the sardine species
  • 1.5%, for the group consisting of vessels whose shipowners or owners are not members of the PO recognized for the sardine species.

Dispatch nº 5059-A/2023, of 28 April, which determines the reopening of sardine fishery from 00:00 hours on 2 May, as well as the management measures to be applied to this fishery, was published.

Order nº 36/DG/2023, of October 19th, was published, relating to the quantities of sardines that can be caught from 00:00 hours on October 23rd.

Order No. 42/DG/2023 was published, which prohibits keeping on board, disembarking, exposing for sale or selling sardines captured with siege gear, except, as an accessory, up to 10% of the total landed on each tide, between the 24 :00h on December 20th and 24:00h on March 31st, 2024

Order No. 15/DG/2024, of March 28, was published, extending the ban on sardine fishing, established by Order No. 42/DG/2023, until midnight on May 1, 2024, with it being prohibited to maintain the board, land, expose for sale or sell sardines (Sardina pilchardus) captured with siege, except, on an ancillary basis, up to 10% of the total landed on each tide.

Order No. 4702-A/2024, of April 24, was published, which determines the reopening of sardine (sardina pilchardus) fishing at 00:00 on May 2, 2024, as well as management measures to be applied to this fishing.

Sardine Fishery Management Plan (2021-2026)
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Sardine Fishery Management Plan (2018-2023)

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 Multiannual Plans

Regulation (EU) No 2019/472 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 March 2019 established a multiannual plan for stocks caught in western waters and adjacent waters, and for fisheries exploiting those stocks, which amended Regulations (EU) No 2016/1139 and (EU) No 2018/973, and repealing Regulations (EC) No 811/2004, (EC) No 2166/2005, (EC) No 388/2006, (EC) No 509/2007 and (EC) No 1300/2008 of the Council.

This plan applies to the demersal stocks listed below, including deep-sea stocks, in western waters, and, where these stocks extend beyond Western Waters, in their adjacent waters, and for the fisheries exploiting these stocks:

  • Black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo) in ICES sub-areas 1, 2, 4, 6-8, 10 and 14 and in ICES divisions 3a, 5a, 5b, 9a and 12b
  • Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in ICES divisions 8c and 9a
  • Megrins (Lepidorhombus spp.) In ICES divisions 8c and 9a
  • Anglerfish (Lophiidae) in ICES divisions 8c and 9a
  • Hake (Merluccius merluccius) in ICES divisions 8c and 9a
  • Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) by functional unit in ICES sub-areas 9 and 10 and in CECAF 34.1.1:

         In the Atlantic waters of the Iberian Peninsula - east, western Galicia and northern Portugal (UF 26-27)
         In the Atlantic waters of the Iberian Peninsula - east and southwest and south of Portugal (UF 28-29)
         In the Atlantic waters of the Iberian Peninsula - east and Gulf of Cadiz (UF 30)

  • Red sea bream (Pagellus bogaraveo) in ICES sub-area 9
  • Common sole (Solea solea) in ICES divisions 8c and 9a.

In compliance with paragraph 3 of article 14, Regulation (EU) 2019/472 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 19 March 2019, the list of vessels with fishing authorizations referred to in paragraph 1 of article 14 can be consulted here.