
The Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services has competence in matters of management in non-maritime inland waters under the jurisdiction of the Captaincy under the terms of the General Regulation of the Captaincy.

The regulated areas are transition zones where the influence of the tides is still felt where the main fisheries, carried out with small vessels, are directed to migratory species (such as shad, lamprey or eel) or to clearly marine species that use the estuaries. seasonally, finding shelter or food there at a particular stage of its life cycle (such as plaice or cuttlefish).

The main gear used are drift trammel nets (for migrants), bottom trammel nets (for flatfish), eels, or other traps.

Fishing is regulated by a set of ordinances, published in 1990, which remains in force, with the exception of the rules on minimum landing sizes, which were revoked by Ordinance No. 27/2001, of 15 January, and later changes, which made them uniform at national and community level (see minimum sizes here).

These rules include, for certain species, specifically shad and lamprey, allowed fishing seasons always in the first months of the year and seasons of closure (see closures here).


Baía de São Martinho do Porto  
Ordinance No. 566/1990, of 22 July Download (255 KB)
Ria de Aveiro  
Ordinance No. 51/2022, of 20 January Download (3 MB)
Dispatch No. 437/2023 of 14 December  Download (399 KB)
Dispatch No. 44/DG/2022 of 13 December  Download (429 KB)
Dispatch No. 44/DG/2024  Download (966 KB)
Dispatch No. 10/DG/2025 of 16 February  Download (819 KB)
Ria Formosa  

Ordinance No. 560/1990, of 19 July

 Download (268 KB)

 Rio Cávado

Ordinance No. 565/1990, of 19 July  Download (429 KB)
Ordinance No. 11/2001, of 9 January  Download (70 KB)
Ordinance No. 353/2001, of 9 April  Download (113 KB)
Ordinance No. 81/2004, of 21 January  Download (89 KB)
Rio Douro  
Ordinance No. 568/1990, of 19 July  Download (403 KB)
Rio Lima  
Ordinance No. 561/1990, of 19 July Download (442 KB)
Ordinance No. 17A/1999, of 12 January  Download (105 KB)
Ordinance No. 38B/2001, of 17 January  Download (95 KB)
Ordinance No. 80/2004, of 21 January Download (100 KB)

Ordinance No. 1220/2010, of 3 December Download (257 KB)

Ordinance No. 23/2017, of 12 January Download (175 KB)
Ordinance No. 1/2019, of 2 January Download (181 KB)
Dispatch No. 47/DG/2023 of 27 December  Download (374 KB)
Dispatch No. 44/DG/2024  Download (966 KB)
Rio Minho  

Parliament Resolution No. 34/2023, of March 17

Download (3 MB)
Rio Mondego  

Ordinance No. 371/2024/1 of 31 December

 Download (646 KB)
Dispatch No. 44/DG/2024  Download (966 KB)
Rio Tejo  
Ordinance No. 569/90, of 19 July Download (79 KB)

Ordinance No. 783/91, of 8 August Download (18 KB)

Ordinance No. 900/95, of 17 July Download (99 KB)
Ordinance No. 441/97, of 3 July Download (43 KB)
Ordinance No. 892/2000, of 27 September Download (18 KB)
Ordinance No. 1483/2002, of 22 November Download (44 KB)

Ordinance No. 618/2006, of 23 June Download (105 KB)

Ordinance No. 670/2010, of 11 August Download (202 KB)

Ordinance No. 85/2011, of 25 February (Republication of Ordinance No. 569/90) Download (264 KB)
Rio Sado  
Ordinance No. 562/1990, of 19 July Download (184 KB)
Ordinance No. 514/1996, of 26 September Download (24 KB)
Ordinance No. 1398/2007, of 25 October Download (248 KB)
Ordinance No. 576/2006, of 19 June Download (248 KB)
Lagoa de Óbidos  
Ordinance No. 238/2022, of 15 September Download (995 KB)

Notice No. 12492/2019 of 6 August

 Download (5 MB)
Dispatch No. 46/DG/2023 of 27 December  Download (374 KB)

Lagoa de Albufeira

Notice No. 12492/2019 of 6 August  Download (5 MB)

Ordinance No. 661/95 of 26 June

 Download (1 MB)