

CCBSP - Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea



The Convention on the Conservation and Management of Pollock Resources in the Central Bering Sea (CCBSP) was signed on 16 June 1994 by China, Korea, Japan, Poland, Russia and the United States. The Convention went into effect in December 1995 (1996 for the Republic of Korea). The Portuguese long distant fishing fleet is not engaged in fishing operations of this resource within the area covered by CCBSP.

This Convention has four main objectives:

  • Establish an international regime for the conservation, management, and optimum utilization of Alaska pollock resources (Theragra chalcogramma) in the Convention Area;
  • Restore and maintain the resources of this pollock in the Central Bering Sea at levels that allow its exploitation at the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) level;
  • Cooperate in the gathering and examining of factual information concerning pollock and other living marine resources in the Central Bering Sea; and,
  • Act, if the Parties agree, as a forum for the adoption of conservation and management measures that may be necessary in the future for living marine resources other than pollock.