APPS - UE/Mauritania
The first fisheries agreement concluded between the European Union (EU) and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania dates back to 1987. The current Fisheries Partnership Agreement concluded between the EU and Mauritania covers the period from 1 August 2006 to 31 of July 2012, renewable
APPS - UE/Mauritania
APPS - UE/Mauritania

Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos (DGRM)
Avenida Brasília
1449-030 Lisboa Portugal
Phone: +351 213 035 700
Fax: +351 213 035 702
European Union Delegation in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Address: Rue 42-163, B.P. 213, Tevragh Zeina, Nouakchott
Phone: (00222) 525 2724
Fax: (00222) 525 3524
Image (Area e Subareas)
The first fisheries agreement concluded between the European Union (EU) and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania dates back to 1987. The current Fisheries Partnership Agreement concluded between the EU and Mauritania covers the period from 1 August 2006 to 31 of July 2012, renewable. On 10 July 2015 the European Union and the Islamic Republic of Mauritania initialled a new four-year Fisheries Protocol which entered into force on 16 November 2015.
Eligibility conditions
- Hold a valid fishing license in accordance with Article 6 of the Control Regulation (Regulation No. 1224/2009)
- Implementation of the relevant IMO vessel identification system, if required under Union law
- The fishing vessel is not on a list of IUU vessels adopted by an RFMO and / or the Union under the IUU Regulation
- The flag Member State has fishing opportunities under the fisheries agreement in question
- Have a satellite monitoring system (VMS) installed and operational
- Have a system for the electronic filling and transmission of fishing logbook data installed and operational
- Have valid certificates of seaworthiness certificate and compliance.
Categories of the current Protocol
- Category 1: Ships of crustaceans, other than lobster and crab;
- Category 2: trawlers, non-freezers, and bottom longliners for black hake;
- Category 2a: Freezer trawlers, for hake fishing;
- Category 3: Fishing vessels of demersal species, with the exception of black hake, with gear other than trawl;
- Category 4: Tuna seiners;
- Category 5: pole-and-line tuna vessels and surface longliners;
- Category 6: Pelagic freezer trawlers;
- Category 7: Fresh pelagic fishing vessels.
Fishing Possibilities available for Portugal
- Category 1: 250 tonnes.
Fishing gear
- Bottom trawl.
License Request
At the time of the first application, the ship-owner shall provide the following documents:
- A copy certified by the flag State, the international tonnage certificate establishing the tonnage of the vessel, expressed in GT
- A recent colour photograph which represents the vessel in its current state, certified by the competent authorities of the flag State, where the name of the vessel and, where appropriate, the international radio call sign are visible. The minimum dimensions of the photograph are 15 cm × 10 cm
- The documents required for entry in the Mauritanian national register of vessels. This registration does not give rise to any registration fees. The inspection provided for in the register of vessels is purely administrative.
- Category 1: Ships for crustaceans, other than lobster and crab: 400 euros / year per tonnes.
License Request
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Payment Order
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For each fishing category, the two parties shall designate at least two vessels for the embarkation of a scientific observer, with the exception of seiners, for which observer boarding shall be carried out at the request of the Mauritanian authorities.
Local seafarer
For category 1, the minimum number of Mauritanian fishermen to board in EU FV shall be 60% of the crew, rounded up to the lower number, officers are excluded from this limit.
- Category 1: 15% of fish, of which 2% constitutes a contribution in kind, 10% of crabs and 8% of cephalopods
- Prohibited Captures: Lobsters.
Reporting obligations
- For vessels subject to the landing or transhipment obligation, the original of each fishing logbook shall be delivered to the Mauritanian Coast Guard which shall acknowledge its receipt in writing
- For other vessels, in the case of departure from the Mauritanian fishing zone without prior passage through a Mauritanian port, the original of each fishing logbook must be sent within 7 days upon arrival at any other port. In any case, within 20 days after leaving the Mauritanian zone
- Within the same timeframe, the ship-owner shall transmit a copy of the logbook to the national authorities of the flag Member State and to the EU through the EU Delegation.
Designated ports
Nouadhibou or Nouakchott.
All entries or exits from the Mauritanian fishing zone of EU vessel holding a fishing authorization shall be communicated to Mauritanian authorities at the latest 36 hours in advance, with the exception of purse seiners, pole-and-line and longliners targeting for highly migratory species. In these cases, communications shall be transmitted at least with 6 hours advance.
These communications shall include:
- Name of the vessel;
- Radio call sign of the vessel;
- Date (dd / mm / yyyy), the time (UTC) and the crossing point (g / mn / sec);
- Quantity of each species retained on board, identified by its FAO Alpha-3 code and expressed in kilograms live weight or, where applicable, in number of individuals;
- Presentation of the products
Mauritanian Authorities coordinates
Garde Côtière de Mauritanie (GCM) Contact information
Fax GC 1: + 222 45 74 63 12 Nouadhibou (secrétariat central siège GCM)
Fax GC 2: + 222 45 74 63 12
Fax GC 3: + 222 45 74 63 12
GCM : Contact information from the Mauritanian FMC – Nouakchott
Phone: +222 45 24 04/45 24 24 22
Email: and
IP: 82 151 73 104
Port de Nouadhibou Contact information
Phone: + 222 45 74 66 64
Fax: + 222 45 74 51 36
Inspections at sea
Inspections shall be carried out by Mauritanian Coast Guard vessels and/or government agents clearly authorized and identified as being affected to inspection and control of fishing activities.
Masters of EU vessels shall facilitate boarding and inspection activities of Mauritanian agents and cooperate with Mauritanian Coast Guard officers.
Port Inspections
Port inspections shall be carried out by Mauritanian Coast Guard personnel and/or by Mauritanian agents clearly authorized and identified as being affected by Mauritania to fisheries inspection purposes.
Masters of EU vessels shall cooperate with Mauritanian agents and Coast Guard personnel during inspection activities.
At least once a year, and as a result of changes in tonnage or fishing category, implicating changes of fishing gears, EU masters shall inform Mauritanian port authorities of Nouadhibou or Nouakchott on their intention to be submitted to these inspections. Such inspections must be carried out within 48 hours upon vessel's arrival to port.
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Allocation of Fishing Possibilities by MS
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Additional Information
For additional information, see here.