


Ordinance No. 14/2014 of 23 January - Establishes the regime for the exercise of recreational fishing and the amount of license fees.

Decree-Law No. 101/2013 of 25 July - Amends and republishes Decree-Law No. 246/2000, which defines the legal framework for the exercise of recreational fishing.

Minimum Sizes
      Download (790 KB)

Closed Seasons

     Closed seasons by species and periods of ban on the use of fishing gear - Mainland - Oceanic and Maritime Interiors Waters
     Download (138 KB)

     Closed seasons by species and periods of ban on the use of fishing gear - Mainland - Non-Maritime Inland Waters
     Download (110 KB)

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (FAQ)
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Map for registration of captured species according with Annex II of Ordinance No. 14/2014 to be sent by Maritime-tour operators
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