Vessels Acquisition
The acquisition of fishing vessels, as stipulated in article 70 of Regulatory Decree No. 43/87, of July 17, updated by Regulatory Decree No. 16/2015, of September 16, requires prior authorization, by the DGRM, and may be by Purchase and Sale and by Donation, or by Succession, Insolvency or Determination of Competent Entities for the purpose
Vessels Acquisition
Buy and Sell or Donate
The order begins with the submission of the request by the interested parties (promising buyer / donator and owner of the vessel), through a Form, available on the Online Services (See here), to the email address:, and the following documentation must be attached:
- Proof (s) of agreement of donation by any legal heirs and / or spouse, if the situation of the owner / donor requires it
- Identifying document, where the signature of the vessel owner (s) and the purchaser (s) / grantees (*) can be proved.
If any of the parties has a corporate nature:
- Permanent company certificate (or access code available)
- Identifying document, where the signature of whoever has powers for the act can be proven (*)
(*) To be sent only if it is impossible to travel in person to our services to prove them.
After the authorization of the acquisition, the buyer has 90 days to register the vessel in his name, and must immediately be sent to DGRM - Fleet Division, to the email address:, copy of the updated Property Title. For vessels that are licensed, the respective fishing license must be replaced.
Succession, Insolvency or by Determination of Entities Competent for the Effect
The communication of the acquisition of the vessel by succession, insolvency or by determination of competent entities for the purpose (ex: court) must be made through the Form, available in the Online Services (See here), to the electronic address: mail.df@dgrm, with the following documentation attached:
After the authorization of the acquisition, the buyer has 90 days to register the vessel in his name, and must immediately be sent to DGRM - Fleet Division, to the email address:, copy of the updated Property Title. For vessels that are licensed, the respective fishing license must be replaced.

The communication of the acquisition of the vessel by succession, insolvency or by determination of competent entities for the purpose (ex: court) must be made through the Form, available in the Online Services (See here), to the electronic address: mail.df@dgrm, with the following documentation attached:
- Photocopy of qualification of heirs or document proving the legitimacy of the vessel's ownership
- Copy of the tax identification card
- Identifying document where the signature of the purchaser (s) (s) can be proven.
If the acquiring party is endowed with a corporate nature:
- Permanent company certificate (or access code available)
- Identifying document, where the signature of whoever has powers for the act can be proven (*).
(*) To be sent only if it is impossible to travel in person to our services to prove them.
After the authorization of the acquisition, the buyer has 90 days to register the vessel in his name, and must immediately be sent to DGRM - Fleet Division, to the email address:, copy of the updated Property Title. For vessels that are licensed, the respective fishing license must be replaced.
After the authorization of the acquisition, the buyer has 90 days to register the vessel in his name, and must immediately be sent to DGRM - Fleet Division, to the email address:, copy of the updated Property Title. For vessels that are licensed, the respective fishing license must be replaced.