Licensed facilities that aim to reproduce, grow, fatten, and depurate marine species, whatever the type of structure they use and the location they occupy

The contribution of aquaculture to the global supply of fish, crustaceans and mollusks, has increased at a rate of about 8.8% per year since 1970. In global terms, aquaculture production is equivalent to about half of all fish consumed in the world, with China being the largest world producer.
National aquaculture is an important alternative to traditional ways of supplying fish, being considered a strategic sector by the Government. Portuguese aquaculture is well positioned to take advantage of a national market that is a major consumer of fish and a Community market that is highly deficient in fishery products. Portugal has a tradition of mollusc farming, production of fresh and salt water fish, modern technology, committed entrepreneurs and geographical and climatic conditions, suitable for these activities.
Among the main "species" produced in aquaculture in our country, the bivalves produced in an extensive regime represent a significant part of the national production. The aquaculture development strategies incorporate many of the recommendations contained in codes of practice for responsible aquaculture, with the verification that in our country, companies and professionals in this subsector share the same type of concerns and principles defended by their European counterparts. Coordination efforts between authorities are evident in order to direct the development and application of policies, regulations and procedures, in the sense of environmental, economic and social sustainability of aquaculture activity.
The objectives for European aquaculture aim to create jobs, make quality and healthy products available to consumers, promote health and animal welfare standards for cultivated species and ensure the environmentally balanced development of aquaculture activity. Aquaculture, provided it is properly exercised, should not be considered as a threat to the ecosystem, nor should its future be mortgaged in favor of other activities using the same coastal areas.
There is undoubtedly a place for the sustainable development of this activity from the perspective of integrated management of coastal areas
Para solicitar um novo Título de Atividade Aquícola para um estabelecimento de aquicultura ou de estabelecimento conexo, bem como uma transmissão, renovação ou extinção, deve submeter o seu pedido aqui
Reproduction Units
Aquaculture establishments designed to produce, by artificial methods, the different stages of development including the embryonic of a certain species - gametes, eggs, larvae, post-larvae, juveniles and spores.
Growth and Fattening Units
Facilities where the growth and fattening of marine species is promoted, whatever the type of structure they use and the place they occupy. Growth and fattening facilities may have the following types, taking into account the characteristics of their structure and / or location:- Tanks: installations located on land, made up of different materials, from land itself to concrete or fibre
- Floating structures (for fish and bivalves): structures located in the water body, consisting of cages, floating or submersible, rafts or cables (long lines)
- Nurseries of bivalve molluscs: units located in inter-tidal zones of estuaries and rivers and other places.
Related Establishments
Debug / Dispatch Center
Establishment legally approved, containing tanks fed by sea water, natural or synthetic, naturally clean or made clean, by appropriate treatment, in which live bivalves are placed, for the time necessary for the elimination or reduction of the content of microbiological contaminants, to legal values, so as to make them fit for human consumption. Installations where an improvement in the quality of marine species is promoted, during the time necessary for the elimination of microbiological contaminants, making them healthy for human consumption. -
Shipping Centers
Land or floating establishment reserved for the reception, finishing, washing, cleaning, calibration, packaging and packaging of products from aquaculture or fisheries, suitable for human consumption.
Installations, duly licensed, not integrated into a production complex, where transient housing of marine species from aquaculture or fisheries is practised, awaiting entry into the commercial circuits.
Registration documents
Producers, operators and other economic agents wishing to move live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods must oblige them to be accompanied by a registration document
Acesso ao Preenchimento dos Documentos de Registo
ccess to registration documents is done through the reserved area of the DGRM. Ask your access here.
Instructions for Completing Registration Documents
- Producer registration document
(used by live animal collectors, hook and cockle boats and aquaculture farmers)
Download (536 KB)
- Registration document of the related establishment
(used by related establishments: purification and / or dispatch center, dispatch centers and shellfish deposits)
Download (1.1 MB)
- Consignment registration document of the related establishment
(used by related establishments: purification and / or dispatch centers, dispatch centers and shellfish deposits)
Download (536 KB)
Holders are obliged to register and report to DGRM the production of their establishments for the previous calendar year - annually until 15 march Production registration is carried out at BMar.
The DGRM maintains an updated information system in accordance with the model set out in the Annex to Commission Regulation (EC) No. 535/2008 of 13 June, which establishes the implementing rules for Council Regulation (EC) No. 708/2007 on use in aquaculture exotic species and species absent locally.
Registration Introduction Exotic and Absent Species Locally - General Information
Download (247 KB)
Exotic and Absent Species Locally - Identification - Risk Assessment
Download (244 KB)
Registration Introduction Exotic and Absent Species Locally - Control
Download (233 KB)
Aquaculture List - Recirculation
Download (155 KB)
Financial Support
In the period 2014 - 2020, financial support for the aquaculture sector is provided by the European Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), which aims to promote environmentally sustainable, resource efficient, innovative, competitive and knowledge-based aquaculture , through the following specific objectives:
- Providing support for strengthening technological development, innovation and knowledge transfer
- Increasing the competitiveness and viability of aquaculture companies, including improving safety and working conditions, in particular for SMEs
- The protection and restoration of aquatic biodiversity and the improvement of ecosystems linked to aquaculture, and the promotion of resource-efficient aquaculture
- The promotion of aquaculture with a high level of protection of the environment, animal health and welfare and public health and safety
- The development of professional training, new professional skills and lifelong learning.
The European Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Fund was approved by Regulation (EU) No. 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014, which provides in Chapter II a priority axis with a set of measures aimed at support for the sustainable development of aquaculture.
The support of this European fund is implemented through a National Operational Program, called MAR 2020, within which the financial support regulations for the aquaculture sector are established, putting into practice the national strategy for the development of aquaculture, defined in the Strategic Plan For Portuguese Aquaculture 2014-2020. For information and preparation of project applications for funding from the EMFF, the Management Authority for MAR 2020 may be contacted.
Aquaculture Insurance
In order to protect the income of aquaculture producers, the MAR 2020 Program provides for a measure to support the establishment of insurance for aquaculture populations, having created the Aquaculture Insurance, whose applications are submitted to IFAP. See here.
Exempt Diesel / ISP Reduction
The exemption or reduction of the tax on petroleum and energy products (ISP) is a tax benefit granted through the use of colored and marked diesel to supply equipment and vessels to support aquaculture establishments, respectively (Ordinance No. 205/2014 , of October 8 amending Ordinance No. 117-A / 2008 of February 8).
Geo-aquaculture is a geographic portal that provides structured geographic information within the competences of the Aquaculture Division of the Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services. Integrating, information produced by DGRM and other public entities that directly or indirectly interfere in the process of licensing aquaculture activity and issuing the Aquaculture Activity Title.
The main objective of geo-aquaculture is to make available the location and characteristics of licensed aquaculture establishments in Mainland Portugal, in parallel, its legal framework using relevant information in the evaluation of a licensing process, namely the conditions determined by the institutional partners involved in the process (AM, APA, CCDR's, CM's, DGAV, ICNF, IPMA, etc.).
The set of information on the current status of the various types of aquaculture establishments is shared in the geoportal together with map services, including the Territorial Management Instruments, making it possible to view them in overlapping layers and to consult alphanumeric information in tables of associated attributes. to each of the available elements.
The cartography available at the geoportal is the responsibility shared by the various institutions depending on their area of ??activity, as well as its updating. It is also available as a service the visualization of the base map, orthophoto of the year 2018 with a resolution of 25 cm, from the Directorate-General of the Territory.
Plano Controlo Ostra_Japonesa
Download (2 MB)
Specific Aquaculture Legislation - National Law
Ordinance No. 280/2017, of 19 September, establishes the method of calculation, the amount, exemptions, the form of division and delivery of the collection product for the Aquaculture Fee (TAQ) | Ordinance No. 280/2017 |
Ordinance No. 279/2017, of 19 September, sets out the instructional elements that must be submitted by the interested party in the procedures provided for in paragraph 2 of article 8, paragraph 2 of article 9, paragraph 1 of article 12 and in no. 2 of article 13 of Decree-Law No. 40/2017, of 4 April, which defines the legal regime for the installation and operation of cultural establishments in marine waters, including transition waters, and inland waters | Ordinance No. 279/2017 |
Ordinance No. 276/2017, of 18 September, establishes the regime and the amount of the deposit intended to guarantee, at the time of the termination of the Aquaculture Activity Title (TAA), the good environmental status of the marine environment and water bodies marine and inland waters, as well as the removal of works and mobile structures inserted in the area or volume assigned to the title | Ordinance No. 276/2017 |
Decree-Law No. 40/2017, of 4 April, approves the legal regime for the installation and exploitation of culture establishments in marine waters, including transition waters, and in inland waters, using the legislative authorization granted. by Law No. 37/2016, of 15 December. This Decree-Law applies to establishments of cultures in marine waters and inland waters and, also, to related establishments, located in private property, private domain of the State, public domain of the State and of the local authorities, including the public domain water. The provisions of this Decree-Law are not applicable to State aquaculture posts, aquaculture units or captive aquaculture species with exclusive self-consumption, ornamental, didactic, technical or scientific purposes. | Decree-Law No. 40/2017 |
Decree-Law No. 152/2009, of 2 June - Transposes Directive 2006/88/EC, of the Council, of 24 October, on animal health requirements applicable to aquaculture animals and derived products, into the internal legal order | Decree-Law No. 152/2009 |
Regulatory Decree No. 9/2008, of 18 March - Defines the fundamental rules for the establishment of aquaculture production areas (APA) in the open sea (offshore) | Regulatory Decree No. 9/2008 |
Specific Aquaculture Legislation – EU Law
Regulation (EU) No. 1143/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 22 October - Regarding the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species | Regulation (EU) No. 1143/2014 |
Regulation (EU) No. 304/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 9 March - Amends Council Regulation (EC) No. 708/2007 on the use in aquaculture of exotic species and species absent locally | Regulation (EU) No. 304/2011 |
Regulation (EC) No. 710/2009, of 5 August - Regarding the organic aquaculture production of animals and seaweed | Regulation (EC) No. 710/2009 |
Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008, of 5 September - Regarding organic production and the labeling of organic products | Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008 |
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 506/2008, of 6 June - Amends Annex IV to Council Regulation (EC) 708/2007, of 11 June | Regulation (EC) No. 506/2008 |
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 535/2008, of 13 June - Establishes implementing rules for Council Regulation (EC) No. 708/2007, of 11 June - Regarding the use in aquaculture of exotic species and species absent locally | Regulation (EC) No. 535/2008 |
Legislation regarding the Use of Water Resources, the Water Law, the Maritime Spatial Planning and the Environmental Impact Assessment - National Law
Decree-Law No. 236/98, of 1 August, with the changes introduced by Decree-Law No. 243/2001 of 5 September - Establishes quality standards, criteria and objectives for the purpose of protecting the aquatic environment and improve water quality according to its main uses | Decree-Law No. 236/98 |
Decree-Law No. 506/99, of 20 November - which sets the quality objectives for certain dangerous substances included in families or groups of substances in list II of annex XIX to Decree-Law No. 236/98, of August 1st | Decree-Law No. 506/99 |
Decree-Law No. 243/2001, of 5 September - Regulates the quality of water intended for human consumption and aims to protect human health from the harmful effects resulting from any contamination of water intended for human consumption, ensuring its healthiness and cleanliness. This statute transposes Council Directive 98/83/EC, of ??3 November, on the quality of water intended for human consumption, into national law. Repeals Section III of Chapter II of Decree-Law No. 236/98, of 1 August | Decree-Law No. 243/2001 |
Decree-Law No. 261/2003, of 21 October - Adds new substances to those considered in Decree-Law No. 506/99, of 20 November, which set the quality objectives for certain dangerous substances included in families or groups of substances from list II of annex XIX to Decree-Law No. 236/98, of 1 August | Decree-Law No. 261/2003 |
Law No. 54/2005, of 15 November - Establishes the ownership of water resources, Article 1 of Decree No. 5787 - IIII, of May 18, 1919, and chapters I and II of Decree- Law No. 468/71, of November 5 | Law No. 54/2005 |
Decree-Law No. 58/2005, of 29 December - Approves the Water Law, carrying Directive 2000/60/EC, of ??the European Parliament and of the Council, of 23 October, into the national legal order and establishing the foundations and institutional framework for sustainable water management | Decree-Law No. 58/2005 |
Decree-Law No. 77/2006, of 30 March - Complements the transposition of Directive 2000/60/EC, of ??the European Parliament and of the Council, of 23 October, which establishes a framework for Community action in the field of water, in development of the regime established in Law no. 58/2005, of 29 December | Decree-Law No. 77/2006 |
Law No. 13/2007, of 9 March - Authorizes the Government to approve the regime for the use of water resources | Law No. 13/2007 |
Decree-Law No. 226-A/2007, of May 31 - Water resource use regime | Decree-Law No. 226-A/2007 |
Decree-Law No. 306/2007, of 27 August - Establishes the water quality regime for human consumption, reviewing Decree-Law no. 243/2001, of 5 September, which transposed it into the legal order Directive 98/83/EC, of ??the Council, of 3 November | Decree-Law No. 306/2007 |
Ordinance No. 1450/2007, of 12 November - Establishes the rules for the application of Decree-Law no. 226-A/2007, of 31 May | Ordinance No. 1450/2007 |
Decree-Law No. 353/2007, of 26 October - Establishes the regime to which the public domain delimitation procedure is subject | Decree-Law No. 353/2007 |
Decree-Law No. 97/2008, of 11 June - Establishes the economic and financial regime for water resources provided for by Law No. 58/2005, of 29 December, regulating the rate of water resources, the tariffs for services water resources and water resource management program contracts | Decree-Law No. 97/2008 |
Order No. 484/2009, of 8 January - Application of Decree-Law No. 97/2008, of 11 June, which establishes the economic and financial regime for water resources (REF) | Order No. 484/2009 |
Order No. 2434/2009, of January 8 - Application of Decree-Law No. 97/2008, of June 11, which establishes the economic and financial regime for water resources (REF) to fish, aquaculture or aquaculture establishments of biogenetic cultures | Order No. 2434/2009 |
Order No. 10858/2009, of 28 April - Complement to the rules established in Order No. 2434/2009, of 19 January, for fish, aquaculture or biogenetic cultures establishments | Order No. 10858/2009 |
Decree-Law No. 107/2009, of 15 May, amended by Decree-Law No. 26/2010, of 30 March - Approves the regime for the protection of public water reservoirs of public service and of lakes or lakes public waters; Establishes rules regarding the installation of aquaculture establishments in coastal lagoons | Decree-Law No. 107/2009 |
Decree-Law No. 103/2010, of 24 September - Establishes environmental quality standards in the field of water policy and transposes Directive 2008/105/EC, of ??the European Parliament and of the Council, of 16 December, and partially Directive 2009/90/EC of the Commission of 31 July | Decree-Law No. 130/2012 |
Decree-Law No. 130/2012, of 22 June, amended by Decree-Law No. 26/2010, of 30 March - Amends Law No. 58/2005, of 29 December, as amended by Decree-Law No. 245/2009, of 22 September, adapting the institutional framework and competencies for water resources management, in view of the Organic Law of the Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning, approved by Decree-Law No. 7/2012, of 17 January, and to the organic of the Portuguese Environment Agency, IP, approved by Decree-Law No. 56/2012, of 12 March | Decreto-Lei n.º 130/2012 |
Decree-Law No. 151-B/2013, of 31 October - Establishes the Legal Framework for Environmental Impact Assessment | Decree-Law No. 151-B/2013 |
Law No. 17/2014, of 10 April - Establishes the Basis for the Policy for the Planning and Management of the National Maritime Space (LBOEM) | Law No. 17/2014 |
Decree-Law No. 38/2015, of 22 June - This decree-law develops Law No. 17/2014, of 10 April, which establishes the Basis for the Policy for the Planning and Management of the National Maritime Space (LBOGEM) | Decree-Law No. 38/2015 |
Decree-Law No. 139/2015, of July 30th - Proceed with the first amendment to Decree-Law No. 38/2015, of March 12th, which develops Law No. 17/2014, of April 10th , which establishes the Basis for the Policy for the Planning and Management of the National Maritime Space (LBOGEM) | Decree-Law No. 139/2015 |
Decree-Law No. 166/2008, of 22 August - Establishes the legal framework for the national ecological reserve (REN) | Decree-Law No. 166/2008 |
Ordinance No. 1247/2008, of November 4 - Sets the amount of fees for appraisal of authorization requests and prior communication to be charged by regional development and coordination commissions - CCDR | Ordinance No. 1247/2008 |
Ordinance No. 1356/2008, of 28 November - Establishes the conditions for making the uses and actions referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 20 of Decree-Law No. 166/2008, of 22 August | Ordinance No. 1356/2008 |
Legislation relating to the hygienic and sanitary conditions of the purification and dispatch centers for live bivalve molluscs - National Law
Ordinance No. 1421/2006, of December 21 - Establishes rules for the production and marketing of live bivalve molluscs, echinoderms, tunicates and marine gastropods, complementary to Regulations (EC) No. 852/2004 and No. 853/2004, of 29 April | Ordinance No. 1421/2006 |
Decree-Law No. 113/2006, of 12 June - Ensure the execution and guarantee the fulfillment, in the national legal system, of the obligations contained in Regulations (EC) No. 852/2004 and No. 853/2004, both of the European Parliament and the Council of 29 April on the hygiene of foodstuffs and the specific hygiene rules applicable to foodstuffs of animal origin, respectively | Decree-Law No. 113/2006 |
EU Law |
Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 29 April - Establishes specific hygiene rules applicable to food of animal origin | Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004 |
Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 29 April - Concerning the hygiene of foodstuffs | Regulation (EC) No. 852/2004 |
Legislation for Colored and Marked Diesel- National Law
Ordinance No. 117-A/2008, of 8 February - regulates the formalities and procedures applicable to the recognition and control of exemptions and reduced rates of tax on oil and energy products (ISP) | Ordinance No. 117-A/2008 |
Ordinance No. 205/2014, of October 8 - approves the list of equipment used in aquaculture activity authorized to consume colored and marked diesel | Ordinance No. 205/2014 |
Ordinance No. 206/2014, of 8 October - amendment to Ordinance No. 117-A/2008, of 8 February, which regulates the formalities and procedures applicable to the recognition and control of tax exemptions and reduced rates on petroleum and energy products (ISP) | Ordinance No. 206/2014 |
Various Legislations - EU Law
Regulation No. 178/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 28 January 2002 - determines the general principles and standards of food law, creates the European Food Safety Authority and establishes procedures in matters of food safety | Regulation No. 178/2002 |
Regulation No. 1774/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 3 October 2002 - establishes the health rules for animal by-products not intended for human consumption | Regulation No. 1774/2002 |
Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 2091/91 - Concerning the organic production method of agricultural products and their indication in agricultural products and foodstuffs | Proposal for a Council Regulation |
Regulation (EC) No. 854/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 29 April - Establishes specific rules for the organization of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption | Regulation (EC) No. 854/2004 |
Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 29 April - Regarding official controls carried out to ensure the verification of compliance with feed and food law and health and welfare standards-being of animals | Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 |