Factory Vessels and Freezer Vessels
DGRM is the coordinating body for the process leading to the approval of factory vessels and freezer vessels
Factory Vessels and Freezer Vessels
- Fisheries
- Industry and Markets
- Factory Vessels and Freezer Vessels

Factory vessel means the vessel on which fishery products are subjected to one or more of the following operations, followed by conditioning or packaging and, if necessary, refrigeration or freezing: filleting, cutting, skinning, peeling, chipping or processing.
A freezer vessel is a vessel on which the fishery products are frozen, if necessary after preparation such as bleeding, heading, evisceration and fin removal, with these operations followed by packaging or packaging whenever necessary.
These vessels can only begin their activity after inspection, after the veterinary control number has been assigned (act issued by the Directorate-General for Food and Veterinary) and approval has been completed (act given by the DGRM).