The ship-owner is the owner of a ship. To take over this property, it is necessary to register the ship (See "Register the ship").

The tenant receives the power to administer a ship that does not belong to him.

Both the owner and the tenant of a ship are obliged to comply with the safety rules that are applicable to the ships (See "Construction, Maintenance and Operation" and "Surveys and Inspections").

I am owner of a recreational craft (See "Surveys and Inspections" and "Station License").

I am owner of a ship that makes a Maritime-Tourism Activity (See "Surveys and Inspections" and "Station License" and "Capacity Certificates").

I am owner of a fishing boat (See "Surveys and Inspections" and "Station License" and "Capacity Certificates").

All parts of the project to be approved by the DGRM, through the DNC (New Construction Division), for construction, modification or legalization (for import reasons) of a ship or any other type of floating material, shall describe in detail the ship or other floating material, allowing also to assess its safety conditions in light of the current European, national and/or international regulations adopted by Portugal.

The presentation of all parts of project for instruction of a ship´s "safety process” leads to the standardization of this documentation as a way of providing a faster and more efficient analysis of its contents.

The technical standard will take into account the classification of the ships as to the type of registration required, the activity to which they are assigned, the intended navigation area and the technical characteristics, namely dimensional characteristics, equipment and tonnage.

The Service Request and other information are available on the Online Services at:

Construction of a ship

Modification of a ship

Legalization (by import) of a ship


The presentation of a construction project for a fishing vessel is only possible if it is authorized by the Fleet Division.

After obtaining the authorization of the Fleet Division, the project shall be submitted by the builder to the New Construction Division for approval.

The Service Request and other information are available on the Online Services (See here).

For more information see "Fleet".

The national ships, except those belonging to the Navy, are subject to mandatory property registration, abbreviated as registration, so that they can carry out the activity determining their classification.

Classification of ships for the activity for which they are intended, the national naval ships, including those of the State not belonging to the Navy, internal security forces and services, and other State bodies with maritime supervision duties, in accordance with the activities to which they are intended, are to be classified as:

a) Trade

b) Fishing

c) Recreation

d) Tugboats

e) Research

f) Auxiliaries

g) Others of the State.

The ships referred to in points a), b), d) and f) of the preceding paragraph constitute the merchant navy and are called merchant ships.

The merchant ships are also subject to mandatory commercial registration according to the law.

The registration of national ships is made in the maritime offices, and commercial vessels may be registered with the bodies indicated in the legislation in force and, in those that, in mainland Portugal and in the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira, may be fixed in an ordinance of the Government.

In case of new acquisitions or new constructions, the maritime department indicated in the authorization shall be competent for registration.

In the case of acquisitions or replacement constructions, the maritime department in which the replaced units were registered shall be competent.

The Service Request and other information are available on the Online Services (See here).


The Service Request and other information are available on the Online Services (See here).

Types of Surveys

The surveys are of the following types:

  • Construction surveys
  • Registration surveys
  • Maintenance surveys
  • Supplementary surveys.

Construction Surveys

  1. Construction surveys are the responsibility of the DGRM and take place during the construction or modification of the ships or after completing these works or when purchasing a ship.
  2. The surveys referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be defined by a Government Order, without prejudice to what is established in the national legislation and in the international conventions on the matter that Portugal has ratified.
  3. For small ships, whose characteristics are fixed by Government Order, such surveys may be carried out by the maritime departments.
  4. In the case of constructions or modifications carried out abroad, the DGRM may delegate the inspection to an organization recognized by the Portuguese Government that has suitable technicians in the place of the shipyards or that they can move there easily.

Registration Surveys

Registration surveys in national ports fall under the competence of the maritime departments and take place:

  • Before the first registration, definitive or provisional
  • When a registration renovation is made due to changes in the classification of the ships.

The registration survey shall be made at the request of the owner, addressed to the maritime authority of the port of registry and instructed with certificates of the construction surveys and others documents required by law, except where the legal terms have been drawn up by the authority receiving the request, in that mere mention of that fact is sufficient.

Registration surveys of ships without propulsion engine with a gross tonnage equal to or less than 10 tons, built or modified in continental Portugal and in the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira, and intended for local traffic or fishing shall be exempted from registration, but the maritime authority shall verify whether they meet the conditions necessary for exercising the activity to which they are intended.

Registration surveys in foreign ports are the responsibility of the Portuguese consular authorities and comply with the provisions of the previous paragraphs under the coordination of the DGRM

Maintenance surveys

Maintenance surveys are carried out by the bodies and for the purpose and at regular intervals provided for in the national legislation and in the international conventions on the matter that Portugal has ratified.

The Service Request for any type of survey and other information are available on the Online Services (See here).

They are individual, collective and alert equipment placed on board of the ships for use in the event of accident.

See Circulars:

  • Life-saving appliances - Vests to be installed in national ships
  • Life-saving appliances - Lifeboats and rescue boats - LRRS assessment
  • Life-saving appliances - Immersion Suits
  • Life-saving appliances - Pneumatic rafts, MES, self-inflatable vests.

Among the various life-saving appliances, inflatable boats and inflatable life jackets are required to be inspected annually.

The DGRM is the competent authority to approve and certify the service stations.

List of Approved Service Stations
Download (451 KB) (updated on 01-07-2024).

Only service stations approved by the DGRM may carry out the inspection, maintenance and certification of inflatable boats in national territory.

The ship station license is the document that allows the use of the radio spectrum in the frequency bands indicated therein. The holder of a Station License is obliged to comply with the requirements established in both Regulation of the Radioelectric Ship Service and the Radiocommunications Regulation of the International Telecommunication Union. The entire ship radiocommunications station is only licensed if it has a valid Ship Station License.

Apply for a Station License

The Ship Station License can be requested in person at the counters of the DGRM or in its Inspection Areas (North, Azores and Madeira) or electronically.

The Service Request and its attachments are available on the Online Services (See here).


Radio Identification

To all the Radiocommunications Stations is assigned an identification, consisting of Call sign and Maritime Mobile Service Identification (MMSI)

Entity Responsible for paying of radio bills (AAIC)

All Portuguese Radiocommunications Stations authorized to establish communications with stations in other countries shall have a contract with an entity responsible for paying of radio communications bills - accounting contract.

List of Entities Responsible for Paying of Radio Bills - AAIC

Download (38 KB) (Updated on 04-06-2018).

The identification of automatic inflatable pneumatic raft may be requested in person at the counters of the DGRM or its Inspection Areas (North, Azores and Madeira) or by electronic means.

The Service Request and its attachments are available on the Online Services (see here).

If you choose to send it by electronic means to the DGRM, it must be completed and sent to the following address:

The extension of deadline for revising the pneumatic raft may be requested in person at the counters of the DGRM or its Inspection Areas (North, Azores and Madeira) or by electronic means.

The Service Request and its attachments are available on the Online Services (See here).

If you choose to send it by electronic means to the DGRM, it must be completed and sent to the following address:

The extension of the deadline for compass adjustment may be requested in person at the counters of the DGRM or its Inspection Areas (North, Azores and Madeira) or by electronic means.

The Service Request and its attachments are available on the Online Services (See here).

If you choose to send it by electronic means to the DGRM, it must be completed and sent to the following address:

The extension of the deadline for revising the inflatable life vest may be requested in person at the counters of the DGRM or its Inspection Areas (North, Azores and Madeira) or by electronic means.

The Service Request and its attachments are available on the Online Services (See here).

If you choose to send it by electronic means to the DGRM, it must be completed and sent to the following address:

Safe Manning (Articles 68, 69, 70 and 71 of Decree-Law No. 280/2001 of 23th October)

Safe manning is defined as the minimum number of crew fixed for each ship, with the aim of ensuring the safety of navigation, ship, persons on board, loads and catches and protection of the marine environment.

The ships may not sail without having on board the crew constituting their safe manning and which is attached to the safe manning certificate, which shall also include the maximum number of persons who may be on board when the ship is travelling.

National ships, with the exception of those belonging to the Navy or to internal security forces and services and to other State bodies responsible for maritime surveillance, and recreational craft, are subject to the process of fixing the safe manning provided by this Decree-law (Decree-Law No. 280/2001 of 23rd October).


Competence for fixing of the capacity and Issuance of the Certificate

The DGRM is responsible for fixing of safe manning and issuing the certificates of the following ships:

a) Seagoing merchant ships, cabotage ships and national and international coastal ships

b) Tugboats and auxiliary vessels on the high seas and coastal areas

c) Fishing ships on the high seas and coastal areas

d) Ships with maritime-touristic activity on the high and coastal areas

e) Passenger ships of local traffic

f) Scientific, oceanic and coastal research ships.

It is also the duty of the DGRM to issue the provisional safe manning certificates of the ships flying EU country or of a third country flag intended to fly under the national flag.

The DGRM is also responsible for determining the safe manning of ships at the end of construction for the purposes of sea tests.

The local SAM body of the port of registry of the ships is responsible for fixing the safe manning and issuing the certificate of the ships not covered in the previous numbers.

The fixing of the safe manning and the issuance of the certificate of the ships operating in the transportation of passengers and goods between ports of each Autonomous Region is the responsibility of the respective regional bodies.

In fixing of safe manning, the instruments in force under the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the European Union (EU), the International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the Organization World Health Organization (WHO), should be taken into account  in particular with regard to:

  • Watch keeping
  • Working Hours on Board or Regulatory and Conventional Hours of Rest
  • Security Management
  • Seafarers Certification
  • Safety and Health at Work
  • Crew accommodations.

In addition to the provisions of Decree-Law No. 280/2001 of 23rd October, the Principles established in IMO Resolution A.1047 (27) are applied.


Safe Manning Certificate

The safe manning certificate is the document proving the safe manning rate for a particular ship.

It is mandatory to have on board the safe manning certificate.

The Service Request and other information are available on the Online Services (See here).

Augusto Manuel Nunes Rosa – 968576726

António Adrião Martins de Carvalho – 912218974

Gastão Damas - 933 694 361

Jorge Pedro Simões Amaral de Almeida – 931633754

José Lomba - 919 941 610

Paulo José Tavares Dias Joaquim – 917249475

Rocha Ramos - 919 982 386