Communications Certification

Communications Certification

The request is made through a Request, available at "Execute Service", and sent to the e-mail address

The Application must be accompanied with the documents contained in "What documents are needed?".

  • Identification document
  • Passport photo (one)
  • Medical certificate for seafarers (issued by a doctor on the list of doctors recognized by the Directorate-General for Health)
  • Maritime note (cover sheet and records of shipments and landings, duly stamped and initialed)
  • Recreational browser charter (when applicable)
  • Proof of sea service (when applicable)
  • Course certificate (when applicable).

See here Order No. 13/DG/2024 of March 22 regarding fees and respective amounts to be charged by DGRM for the provision of public services.

  • Decree-Law no. 34/2015, of 4 of March
  • Ordinance no. 253/2016, of 23 September.