Motorization - Fleet

Motorization - Fleet

Fishing vessels

Fishing vessel owners

Authorization to install outboard propulsion engines with reduction devices or any type of power limitation (*), can only be granted to:

  • Engines whose reduction / limitation is duly certified by a qualified entity and accredited for the purpose;
  • Engines whose certification relating to the reduction / limitation of power, unequivocally indicates the original power of the engine and the reduced power in kW;
  • Engines whose reduced / limited power does not exceed 20% of the original power.

(*) Motors certified as “NEW PRODUCT” are not accepted.

The request to change the engine (propulsion power), must be made by the vessel's owner, through the Form, available in “Execute Service”, to the email address:

  • Catalog and / or technical data sheet for engines, for ordering the installation of engines and the uninstallation of power reduction devices;
  • Declarations of Conformity, issued by a duly certified entity, related to outboard engines subject to power limitations.

No cost.