Fuel & LPG Subsidy

Fuel & LPG Subsidy

The application is submitted only once and the deadline for requesting the subsidy is September 15, 2024.

Can apply in 2024:

Professional Fishing - Owners (individuals or legal entities with duly declared fishing activity) of vessels registered in the fleet that carry out small-scale artisanal and coastal fishing on the mainland, equipped with a gasoline or LPG propulsion engine, who hold a valid fishing license.

Aquaculture - Individuals and micro, small and medium-sized companies, within the meaning of article 2 of the annex to Decree-Law no. 372/2007, who have a aquaculture establishments or aquaculture activity title or permit on the mainland, whose average volume of production is less than 20 tonnes in the set of establishments to which they are holders, and have answered production surveys on the last three years 

Salicultura - Individuals and micro, small and medium-sized companies, within the meaning of article 2 of the annex to Decree-Law no  372/2007. operating salt culture establishments

Applications are submitted via onlineDesk - Balcão Eletrónico do Mar (BMar):

1. Open www.bmar.pt, please register and log in;
2. Press the New Request button, choose the following category "Funds and Subsidies" and Request type "Fuel Subsidy";
3. Fill the forms;
4. Upload attachments;
5. Check your request summary and submit the application.

Please find your User Manual – BMar authentication
https://www.dgrm.mm.gov.pt/documents/20143/31436/Icon_PDF_peq.png/f6d62d42-a5dd-20f6-8876-589cde7c0b2d?t=1516878339400 Download (1.1 MB)

For further help, please contact us:
- E-mail: ajuda@bmar.pt
- Phone: +351 213 035 805, office days from 10 a.m. to 12a.m. and again from 2p.m. until 4p.m. (UTC +0)

Depending on the type, it is necessary to attach the following to your request:

All requests

  1. Document Proof of the IBAN to which the grant will be transferred
  2. Updated statement of tax status (absence of debts) or letter of consent to access the AT website
  3. Updated declaration of contributory status (absence of debts) or letter of consent to access the SS website

Professional Fishing and Aquaculture, if applicable

  1. Updated Vessel Ownership Title(s) that identify the (main) engine

Aquaculture and Saliculture

  1. Document(s) proving ownership and potency of the equipment(s). If the power does not appear on the property document, you can send a photo of the chassis or technical manual.
  2. Document(s) proving the energy costs, only in the case of salt production


When the applicant has an employment relationship with one of the above-listed companies:

  • Statement signed by the Head of the Company authorizing the employee to perform applications on behalf of the company.


Additionally, if acting on behalf of a third party:

  • A statement authorizing the third party to act on their behalf.

Each statement shall have clearly indicated the validity period for which the person is authorized to act on its behalf. The period shall not exceed 2 years.

For GDRP (data protection) and compliance with European and Portuguese Laws, only persons can access the system, therefore, only a person can a log in to our system.