

Notice of 80% use of Beryx quota (ALF/3X14-) and closure of directed fishing for vessels registered in mainland ports

Considering the current catch data for this stock, it appears that the level of use of the quota allocated to vessels registered in mainland ports has reached 80%.

Therefore, while the possibility of catching and landing Beryx decadactylus is maintained, in compliance with Article 1(1) and (2) of Order No. 20/2013, from 00:00 hours on June 12, 2024, only the catching of alfonsim (Beryx splendens) is authorized, as a by-catch fishery, with the respective landings being limited to by-catches, up to 5% of the total landed by vessel, on each fishing trip.

Given the level of use, it is expected that the quota of Beryx available to vessels registered in mainland ports will be closed in the next few days.