

1st Meeting of Portuguese Regulatory Entities

DGRM was present at the 1st Meeting of Portuguese Regulatory Entities, organized by the Mobility and Transport Authority, which took place on the 9th and 10th of May, at Fundação Oriente, in Lisbon.

Over the course of two days, the role of Regulatory Entities in Portugal was discussed, assessing and envisioning the future.

This was the first meeting of this nature and a debate on the future of regulation in Portugal, precisely in the year that marks the tenth anniversary of the Framework Law on Regulatory Entities.

The closing session was attended by the Minister of Economy and Sea, António Costa Silva.

On behalf of the DGRM, the Deputy Director-General of the DGRM, Ricardo Segurado, the Director of Legal Services, Marta Pires, and the Head of the Regulation Division, Ana Paula Nunes, were present.