Portugal, through the Directorate-General for Natural Resources, Security, and Maritime Services (DGRM), in the exercise of the mandate as the National Fisheries Authority (ANP), committed carrying out surveillance and inspection missions at sea, within the scope of the Joint Deployment Programmes (JDPs) coordinated by the EFCA (European Fisheries Control Agency).
These activities support the external dimension of the European Union and the Common Fisheries Policy, in Union waters under the sovereignty and jurisdiction of Portugal and in waters of managed by Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs), specifically of the ICCAT (International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas), NAFO (Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organisation) and NEAFC (North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission).
The European Union has responsibility over the surveillance and inspection missions of vessels that are carrying out fishing activities and operations in the aforementioned Areas. EFCA patrol vessels are inspection platforms within the scope of the JDPs and, in consultation with Member States.
The DGRM, started on September 9, a mission with a Portuguese Navy ship, NRP SETÚBAL, with a fisheries inspection team made up of four Union Fisheries Inspectors (DGRM), an EFCA coordinator, one from ANP/Estonia and two from ANP/Portugal.
The NRP SETÚBAL entered the NAFO Regulatory Area on 16 September and will finish the mission in Lisbon on 12 October.